
Background: TQM has gained extensive prominence over the last few decades and continue to play a significant role in modern healthcare delivery. Objectives: The objective of this empirical inquiry is to explore the nexus between TQM critical success factors implementation and hospital performance by soliciting employee and patient’s views within the Ghanaian context, focusing on Greater Accra Regional Hospital, a prime provider of secondary public healthcare in Ghana. Methods: A cross-sectional approach (research design) was espoused for the study which made use of quantitative research techniques for its analysis. The study was based on self-answering structured (close-end) questionnaires completed by 250 respondents selected via convenient sampling. SPSS 25.0 was utilised for data analysis. Statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, principal component analyses, exploratory factor analyses with varimax rotation, reliability analyses, and multivariate regression analyses. Results: The study found significant positive relationships between all nine TQM constructs and hospital performance. Findings further revealed that the top management leadership construct contributed most to hospital performance, while training contributed least. Conclusion: The study made recommendations that have practical implications for hospital administrators/managers. In this circumstance, findings/recommendations established, should be considered crucial for hospital administrators/managers and policy makers when dealing with decisions affecting TQM assessment by exploring the potential practicability of the nine TQM critical success factors utilised in this study as a pertinent contrivance for initiating continuous service improvement in GARH in particular and Ghana’s public healthcare sector in general.

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