
Climate change causes a global rise in mean air temperature and an increased frequency of temperature extremes. Recent studies link sharp temperature changes between consecutive days to increased mortality, reduced economic growth, and negative effects on ecosystems. This study assesses the variability of the daily maximum air temperature between two consecutive days (i.e., temperature volatility) across Germany from 1990 to 2022. Using observation-based raster data of maximum daily temperature at 0.1° × 0.1° spatial resolution, we assess temperature volatility regarding: (1) magnitude, (2) seasonality, (3) directionality (day-to-day warming vs. cooling), and (4) trends. Further, we analyse land cover changes during the period and examine their correlation to extreme temperature volatility (Tve). The results show that Tve mostly occurred during spring and summer. The magnitude of Tve increased with distance to the coast north-west to south during all seasons and was highest during spring and summer (>10 °C). Overall, Tve was particularly associated with day-to-day cooling (in spring, summer, autumn), while in winter, >60% of days were associated with warming in north and central Germany. Less than 12% of Germany showed significant trends in median Tve associated with warming over the period. Significant trends included increases (>0.26 °C/year) and decreases (−0.09 °C/year) in extreme day-to-day warming during autumn and winter in northeastern Germany. In spring, the majority (>60%) of southern areas showed significant positive trends (up to 0.16 °C/year) in Tve associated with day-to-day cooling. During winter, summer, and autumn, trends in extreme day-to-day cooling were insignificant in over 80% of Germany. Within all land cover types, Tve predominantly varied between 6 °C and 9 °C. Changes in land cover, especially transforming coniferous forests for agricultural purposes, were accompanied by increasing Tve up to 0.49 °C. Understanding rapid temperature changes is crucial for climate change mitigation strategies and limiting the impacts on human health and on the environment.

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