
I believe that publishing case reports is a worthwhile endeavor of scientifi c publications. As clinical radiologists comprise most of our readers, publications directly connected to clinical observations have some value in our clinical practice. Many important facts have been published initially as case reports. Particularly, case reports are suited to describe a new disease entity, alert other clinicians to unexpected treatment responses, and inform us about an innovative treatment for a rare condition, none of which situations is suitable for a full clinical trial. In addition, case reports promote further research. However, in the current evaluation system of academic journals, publication of many case reports negatively affects the rating of an academic journal. Many journal editors are having to discontinue or decrease the number of case reports they publish to improve their journals’ ratings (i.e., an impact factor). Publishing case reports in this journal may continue, but the priority of publishing case reports needs be assessed more strictly. Our policy on case reports at the Japanese Journal of Radiology is indicated in the Instruction to Authors in each issue. Assigning a priority rating to case reports is a diffi cult task. First, the scientifi c value of the report is determined by what case is being described. In this respect, I think that it is appropriate to include one of the comprehensible categorization systems of what is acceptable, originally published in Skeletal Radiology. 1. Initial report of a new disease entity 2. Supporting evidence of a new disease entity (not more than a few cases after the initial case report) 3. Report of a new imaging examination 4. Case with an unusual clinical course that is contrary to our current knowledge 5. New treatment and outcome 6. Well-described but rare disease (not more than fi ve cases reported) 7. Case with rare (fewer than fi ve cases) but not unexpected fi ndings 8. Uncommon disease (10–15 cases reported) 9. Well-described disease with educational value

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