
AbstractThe plastic waste crisis is a major environmental challenge facing the world today. The overuse and improper disposal of plastic materials have caused significant damage to the environment, affecting the health of both humans and animals. The adoption of sustainable alternatives to plastic, such as polymer‐based materials, is crucial to addressing this issue. In the Indian context, polymer‐based sustainability has created new growth potential for the packaging sector. This study has improved consumer behavior and raised income by gaining an understanding of and access to customers' digital awareness of polymer‐based sustainability. In addition to its role in communication and attracting consumer attention, packaging must align with modern environmental standards for preservation methods to meet the growing consumer demand for eco‐friendly products and environmentally conscious companies. In keeping with the objectives, this paper employs a method for analyzing current research on the influence of polymer‐based sustainability esthetics on consumer behavior. The research design is quantitative. The model of the literature review is used to develop the structured questionnaire. The results show that digital awareness significantly influences consumer perceptions of polymer‐based sustainability. The study recommends that manufacturers of polymer‐based materials invest in digital awareness campaigns to increase consumer acceptance and promote sustainability.

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