
Abstract This study examines pedestrian and street vendor activity in the vicinity of Johar Market, one of Semarang City’s busiest markets. Observations were made to get a complete picture of this study based on four targets: user characteristics, user movement patterns, physical environment characteristics around pedestrian paths, and the availability of street furniture. Data were obtained based on the results of seven days of observations, namely, over a thousand pedestrians and street vendor activities that occurred along the pedestrian path. Spatial analysis techniques with GIS are used to analyze the data from the observations. In addition, the pedestrian path’s quality is calculated using the PEQI (Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index) standard. The results of the analysis show that the quality of the pedestrian path around Johar Market is still relatively low, with a value of 19.84, placing it in category 4, indicating that the pedestrian path is insufficient because it does not meet the standard. The pedestrian path design category and the availability of street furniture received the lowest ratings. The results of this study can be used as reference material in designing pedestrian paths that meet the needs and meet service standards.

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