
<p>C級巷弄長照站是長者照護的最前端場域,目前整合照護資源及服務素質不齊,影響長照2.0照護之實踐。本文以世衛組織高齡整合照護指南為基準,檢視埔基巷弄長照站現況與人才培育困境。埔基長照站宜再補強的知能包括:建立高齡整合照護的評估系統及追蹤報告,宜增加老人虐待、老人歧視,以及衛生教育技能課程,宜增強制定完整的照顧計畫,以及強化志工服務量。在行政上應加強:應建立長輩一站式整合服務模式、建立正式通報及轉診之服務系統,以及結合多元輔助產品,用於知能教學或服務品質。政府公共政策建議:宜加強照顧服務員之知能;以區域為基礎,盤點可提供之服務,以達公平性服務;提供跨專業整合及全面的照護計畫;鼓勵由下而上發展政策。</p> <p> </p><p>The Long Term Care (LTC) Stations around the Blocks is the primary prevention front for the elderly in the community. However, the resources and quality of multidisciplinary integrated care vary. According to the implementation framework of ICOPE, the current ability of the LTC station around the blocks to implement procedures outlined by ICOPE and impediments to staff training are examined in this study. Puli LTC Station staff should enhance their knowledge and skills in various areas, including systematic recruitment and case screening, implementing an ICOPE evaluation system with follow-up tracking, providing new training content on elder abuse and discrimination against the elderly, and improving health education for staff to create comprehensive care plans, expand volunteer recruitment, and increase volunteer training and service hours. Public policy recommendations aim to strengthen care abilities and promote regional equity, to provide integrate interdisciplinary care plans and advocate bottom-up policy development for adaptive service models.</p> <p> </p>

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