
Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are need for the hour to empower the agrarian community in various dimensions. Farmers are organized into FPOs for tackling marketing problems, productivity issues, collective farming and challenges arising from small farm sizes. In view of reality the present study was carried out to assess the performance of FPOs. The present study was conducted in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. The findings of the study revealed that there was a provision of input services like quality seeds, custom hiring centers, fertilizers and micronutrients to members of FPO. Timely information on crop production and protection was easily accessible to members. The findings also revealed that FPO members got reliable market information, through collective procurement of produce got more remunerative prices and transparent payments. These aspects built trust among the members towards FPO. Like-wise in networking facilities improved knowledge and skill of farmers through contact with SAUs and KVKs were observed. The financial services offered to FPO farmers enhanced their access to government schemes and subsidies. Hence, improvements were observed in revenue generation, profit attainment, social recognition and self-confidence. FPO needs further improvements to compete with corporate enterprises and international markets. So the concept of collectivization should be promoted, nurtured and supported by the government to improve the farmer's share in rural enterprise. Through consistent efforts by the government for FPOs will be reached in near future for the concept of a farmer to Agri entrepreneur.

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