
AbstractThe purpose of the article is to develop a methodological tool for assessing the participation of consumer cooperation in achieving sustainable development goals. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution emphasizing the contribution of cooperatives to the achievement of social development goals and noting the need to support and further develop cooperatives and the cooperative movement. Cooperatives make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of society. The authors proposed a system of indicators for assessing the participation of consumer cooperative organizations in achieving the SDG, which allows assessing the contribution of cooperatives to achieving their goals. In order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the participation of consumer cooperation in the achievement of sustainable development goals, it is proposed to determine a comprehensive index of achievement of the goal. The study analyzed the contribution of consumer cooperation organizations to the achievement of sustainable development goals, identified factors influencing the dynamics of certain indicators of the activities of cooperative organizations, and considered the directions of their activities to achieve sustainable development goals. The analysis was carried out on the basis of statistical reports of the Central Union of the Russian Federation for 2016–2019 years. The directions of work of the Central Union on participation in state programs aimed at realization of sustainable development goals are shown. The methodological basis was the methods of system analysis, synthesis, economic and statistical methods, such as index, grouping method, construction of dynamic series, graphical and integral estimation. During the study, a comprehensive index of achieving the goal of sustainable development was calculated according to the Central Union of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to determine the participation of cooperative organizations in achieving individual SDG. The proposed methodological toolkit allows assessing, both in general, the Central Union system of the Russian Federation and for each consumer union in order to assess the degree of its participation in achieving the SDG.KeywordsScorecardsOrganization of consumer cooperationSustainable development goalsSDGAchievement of sustainable development goalsJEL CodesQ01P13M21

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