
The financial market has been transformed by FinTech platforms, which offer innovative products and services. FinTech platforms use a combination of technologies to digitalize processes and introduce new business models with unique characteristics. The benefits of FinTech initiatives are not limited to boosting the economic development of emerging economies; they also have a transformative impact on society and stakeholders. The transformative impact enables the democratization of digital services, making them accessible to marginalized groups that the traditional financial banking system has excluded. Our study theorizes how FinTech organizational capabilities (digital technologies, digital infrastructures, and talented employees) and FinTech ecosystem conditions (competitors, regulations, digital gender gaps, and institutional gaps) impact inclusion, transparency, and market expansion inspired by transformative entrepreneurship. We tested it through a multilevel analysis using data from 333 worldwide large FinTech platforms combined with secondary data at the country level. Results provide insights into how digital infrastructure, a skilled workforce, and closing the gaps for disadvantaged groups are crucial determinant factors for increasing FinTech impacts in emerging economies. Several implications for entrepreneurs, society, and policymakers emerge as a call for fostering digital societies and FinTech industry in emerging economies.

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