
Abstract : Following the September, 2001 attacks on America, the U.S. government embarked upon an investigatory phase to determine how and why the attacks occurred, and to determine what changes needed to be made to prevent their reoccurrence. Resulting conclusions led to an understanding of a new world environment and U.S. threat, and necessary changes in the federal government's policies, procedures, and organization required for effectiveness in the new environment. As the government transformed to meet the Global War on Terror's requirements, one of the most significant changes was the establishment of the National Counterterrorism Center, created to perform a dual intelligence and planning coordinating function across the interagency. This research project examines the National Counterterrorism Center's effectiveness in the Global War on Terror in meeting U.S. strategic requirements, through the prism of its statutory role and current practices, existing U.S. strategy, and the Global War on Terror contemporary operating environment. The project reveals both significant achievements and challenges for the Center, and provides recommendations for future improvements to ensure its effectiveness in meeting U.S. strategy.

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