
The Carlos Chagas batholith (CCB) is a very large (~14,000km2) S-type granitic body formed during the syn-collisional stage of the Araçuaí orogen (southeastern Brazil). Zircons extracted from the CCB record a wide range of U–Pb ages (from 825 to 490Ma), indicating a complex history of inheritance, magmatic crystallization and partial melting during the evolution of the orogeny. Magmatic zircons (ca. 578–588Ma) are marked by similar Hf isotope compositions and REE patterns to those of inherited cores (ca. 825–600Ma), indicating that these aspects of the chemical signature of the magmatic zircons have likely been inherited from the source. The U–Pb ages and initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios from anatectic and metamorphic zircon domains are consistent with a two-stage metamorphic evolution marked by contrasting mechanisms of zircon growth and recrystallization during the orogeny. Ti-in-zircon thermometry is consistent with the findings of previous metamorphic work and indicates that the two metamorphic events in the batholith reached granulite facies conditions (>800°C) producing two generations of garnet via fluid-absent partial melting reactions. The oldest metamorphic episode (ca. 570–550Ma) is recorded by development of thin anatectic overgrowths on older cores and by growth of new anatectic zircon crystals. Both domains have higher initial 176Hf/177Hf values compared to relict cores and display REE patterns typical of zircon that grew contemporaneously with peritectic garnet through biotite-absent fluid partial melting reactions. Hf isotopic and chemical evidences indicate that a second anatectic episode (ca. 535–500Ma) is only recorded in parts from the CCB. In these rocks, the growth of new anatectic zircon and/or overgrowths is marked by high initial 176Hf/177Hf values and also by formation of second generation of garnet, as indicated by petrographic observations and REE patterns. In addition, some rocks contain zircon crystals formed by solid-state recrystallization of pre-existing zircon, which exhibit similar Hf isotope composition to those of inherited/magmatic core domains. The first anatectic event is interpreted as result of crustal thickening after the intrusion of the batholith. This introduced the batholith to a depth in excess of 30km and produced widespread anatexis throughout the batholith. The second event was associated with asthenospheric upwelling during extensional thinning and gravitational collapse of the orogen, this produced anatexis in parts from the CCB that had been re-fertilized for anatexis by retrogression along shear zones following the first granulite facies event.

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