
This study examines the impact of Nudge Marketing on consumer decision-making in the e-commerce industry, specifically in Ahmedabad city, India. Nudge Marketing is a strategy that uses subtle suggestions and reinforcements to influence consumer behaviour, and it has become increasingly popular in e-commerce. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of Nudge Marketing strategies, their potential implications, and their association with consumer behaviour and decision-making. The research employs an exploratory research design and collects data through the use of a questionnaire and personal interviews with 193 respondents selected through convenience sampling. The findings indicate that Nudge Marketing techniques have an association with consumer behaviour and decision- making, but their perception significantly impacts purchasing decisions. It is crucial to balance the use of Nudging with ethical considerations to avoid adverse effects. The study highlights the importance of a consumer-centric approach in Nudging and provides valuable insights for retailers looking to enhance their marketing efforts. Additionally, the research contributes to the ongoing discussion around the effectiveness of Nudge Marketing in the e-commerce industry and provides information for regulators and policymakers on how to formulate guidelines for companies to follow when using Nudging as a marketing tool.

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