
Land surface temperature (LST) and its interaction with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is crucial for better understanding of environmental changes in current scenario. However, very few or scanty research on the interrelationship between LST, NDVI and topographic elements has been done in India. Therefore, the purpose of conducting this study was to examine, how LST and NDVI change as a function of elevation in Rajasthan. In present study, MODIS derived NDVI and LST and digital elevation model (DEM) from shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) have been used. Results revealed that the LST and NDVI both were significantly influenced by elevation. Elevation, NDVI and LST varied from -6 to 1698 m, -0.09 to 0.65 and 24 to 45°C throughout the study region. In contrast to LST, which has a decreasing gradient from western to eastern portions, the spatial variability of NDVI has decreasing gradients from southern and eastern to western regions. The highest mean LST value (39.76 ± 0.2.9 0C) was obtained at an elevation range of -6 to 168 m, whereas NDVI value (0.38 ± 0.06) at elevation ranges of 589 – 1698 m. The analysis of the correlations between LST, NDVI and elevation indicated that the elevation has strong positive correlation with NDVI (r2 = 0.26) and negative correlation with LST (r2 = 0.28). Findings from this kind of research can be utilized as a platform for environmental and land use planning for sustainable ecosystem management.

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