
Accreted sugars in the blood react with protein’s amino group via Schiff base to form Amadori compounds. Further, these compounds execute irreversible chemical modifications generating advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The current study investigated the effects of vitamins in a glycation-prone in vitro environment. Glycation model was reached by incubating BSA with 0.1 M glucose/fructose in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline. Intrinsic (tyrosine/tryptophan) and AGEs fluorescence was monitored with fluorescence spectrophotometer. Ellman’s test depicted that native BSA contains more free thiol groups than glycated BSA. It was shown that BSA is more susceptible to glycation in the presence of fructose than glucose, and vitamin D followed by vitamin E and A can significantly rescue the BSA from glycation progression. Keywords: advanced glycation end products, anti-glycation, BSA, Ellman’s test, fluorescence, vitamins

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