
The internet has become an essential part of the world today. The internet will need to reach a wide range of individuals’ family members, friends, acquaintances, or even share data or information with a group of people. Imagine a constant and reliable internet connection, regardless of location or place. The CKT-UTAS (C.K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences) Campus is an example of an area where internet connection is inferior and unreliable. This research work studied the benefits and limitations of satellite internet, which can be a solution to the current state of internet connection unreliability on the CKT-UTAS campus and derive into the benefits it will provide to the university if implemented. This study aimed to compare the current telecommunication network services to the Satellite Internet services, analyses the awareness level of Satellite Internet in rural areas and examine the significance of Satellite Internet technology in rural areas. In-depth research was done by administering questionnaires and studying other related works on this study to gather all the necessary information. After the data were analyzed, it was concluded that the Satellite Internet had more advantages that are significant in rural areas than the Current/Traditional Internet.

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