
Aim: This Study examines the influence of the American ESL Teacher Education Training Program on the qualifications of Chinese language educators. Due to the growing demand for English language teaching, there is an urgent need in China for trained and skilled second language teachers. Specialized training in pedagogical abilities, language proficiency, cultural awareness, and professional growth is available through the American ESL Teacher Education Training Program. Methodology: The impact of the American ESL Teacher Education Training Program on the qualifications of second language instructors in China was investigated using a systematic review methodology. Results: It is well known for its comprehensive strategy for teacher development. Conclusions: This publication examines how this training program has raised the bar for second-language teachers in China. Originality/Value: This study was conducted during teachers' education training. There is an urgent need for trained and skilled second language teachers in China due to the growing demand for English language education. Specialized training in educational skills, language skills, cultural awareness, and professional development is available through the American ESL Teacher Education Training Program.

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