
Zoological medicine is an expanding field with limited practical training opportunities for veterinary students. Those training programs that do exist require significant financial and resource investment by both veterinary schools and the zoological organizations involved. This article summarizes the findings of a retrospective survey of students carried out to ascertain the educational value of a compulsory 5-day-long zoo clinical placement for final-year veterinary students. We aimed to explore the placement's potential impact on students' knowledge and attitudes toward zoological medicine and the role of modern zoos and conservation. Data were collected by means of an end-of-placement questionnaire (N=200) and statistically analyzed for pre- versus post-placement changes and the effect of pre-placement interest and experience on student responses. Despite the placement's short time frame and lack of opportunity for in-depth comprehensive training in zoological medicine, students reported that the placement had a positive educational impact. More than 90% of students stated that their understanding about modern zoos was good or excellent at the end of the placement (compared with 35.0% before the placement), and 43.0% reported that the placement had a positive impact on their attitudes toward zoos. Students self-reported an increased understanding of the work of zoo clinicians, and there was a highly significant positive change in the students' reported opinions regarding wildlife conservation in general. We provide preliminary evidence to suggest that even short-duration but immersive zoo-based practical training has positive educational value for veterinary students.

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