
Team climate is an important factor in the pursuit of team effectiveness; however, the team climate concept has received limited attention in the project management field. This study helps to fill that gap by using Anderson and West’s four-factor theory of team climate and their Team Climate Inventory [TCI: Anderson NR, West MA. The team climate inventory manual and users’ guide. Windsor (UK): Assessment Services for Employment, NFER-Nelson; 1994] with 44 four-person teams of management undergraduates conducting team research projects. Statistical results for the TCI’s five scales and 15 subscales showed positive team climates in this sample at the two TCI administrations, Time 1 (week 3) and Time 2 (week 12) in the project life cycle. Results of the qualitative analyses of participants’ written comments with the TCI complemented the statistical results and showed that participants had positive team experiences and, improved their team skills among other effects. Recommendations are presented for using the TCI in building teams, project management training, and project evaluations among other uses.

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