
Abstract The widespread decline in amphibian populations highlights the need for establishing rigorous monitoring methods for long-term population studies. In an attempt to launch a long-term monitoring study for a Gray Treefrog complex (Hyla versicolor LeConte /chrysoscelis Cope, hereafter treefrog) population in northwest Missouri, I tested the use of PVC pipe traps in a system of ponds and inlets along a lakeside habitat for three years. For each pond (3) and inlet (2), I established an array of 16 pipes so as to compare differences in use between pipe location, ponds and inlets, and sex ratio between sites. Pipes were checked twice a week during the summer for the presence of treefrogs. Treefrog usage of pipes between ponds and inlets were compared using a contingency table analysis, while an ANOVA was used to assess differences in sex ratios between sites (α = 0.05). A single inlet was used by treefrogs more heavily than the other ponds or inlet (G = 13.61, df = 3, P = 0.0035), however, I found no differences in terms of pipe location within a pond or inlet. Mean sex ratio between water bodies varied but did not significantly differ. There appears to be little effect in terms of pipe placement within our 50 m buffer from the water's edge, but unique habitat effects at sampling locations may significantly affect detection rates or usage.

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