
Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Global stroke rates rise with age. Socioeconomic factors make low- and middle-income youth more susceptible to stroke. Objectives: This study assessed many strokes incidence and predictive factors in Pakistan. Methodology: Stroke cases were studied at Peshawar Postgraduate Hospital. The study comprised consenting patients with recent first-time or recurrent strokes without secondary causes. Results: Our study found that strokes are more common in men (88%) and those over 63. The satisfied income group (72%) and urban population (60%) were the most affected. Ischemic type affected 84% of these cases. Anatomical MRI data shows that a stroke can impact any brain region. Hypertension (55%), with a mean blood pressure of 136/84 and 109/67mm Hg in male and female patients, respectively, was the main risk factor for stroke. Stroke victims' lipid levels were mostly normal. Aspiration pneumonia occurred in 19% of stroke patients. Blood chemistry assays for haemoglobin, total lymphocyte count, blood urea, alkaline phosphatase, and random blood sugar showed significant alterations. 28%, 47%, and 5% of patients' prescription regimens had minor, major, and severe interactions, respectively. Conclusion: Our study found that urban Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa inhabitants have a higher stroke risk than rural residents. These patients had mostly ischemic strokes. This paper summarizes stroke demographics, kinds, and interactions to help discover effective treatments for this potentially fatal disorder.

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