
The dynamic cone penetration test (DCPT) is a common method for assessing the physical and mechanical properties of cohesionless soils. However, current formulas might not be suitable for carbonate granular soil because of its unique engineering properties. In this study, a series of DCPTs were conducted on carbonate granular soil in the field and laboratory using a light dynamic penetrometer (LDP). The results show that for a given relative density, the dynamic cone penetration resistance of carbonate granular soil increases with the mean diameter as well as the coefficient of uniformity, and it is greater than that of quartz granular soil with a similar gradation. Moreover, the relationship between the dynamic cone penetration resistance and relative density of carbonate granular soil, considering the particle size and gradation effect, is established for the LDP. The feasibility of this relationship is verified using the model test results of two other sets of carbonate sands.

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