
The technology of cognitive and non-cognitive skills formation is characterized by the cumulative nature of learning processes and by the presence of significant complementarities and irreversibilities in the acquisition of such skills. From this it follows that, in order to evaluate the quality of individual phases of skills formation, it is necessary to take account of the quality of the human capital entering the training process. It is evident that this aspect is more important, the more advanced the level of education. This paper evaluates the effects of the quality of Italian matriculants at 24 engineering faculties measured with the results of a standardized test on the regularity of university studies. The preliminary results confirm that failing to take account of the incoming quality of students may give rise to significant distortions in the evaluation of the academic productivity of universities. Meritocratic criteria in the allocation of public funds among schools and universities which do not take account of these considerations, in the absence of effective means to support the right to study (especially in the form of grants) would exacerbate the polarization of the educational systems and penalize the less mobile and more talented students. The same outcome can be generated by a misuse of university rankings based on unadjusted performance measures.

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