
This paper delves into the realm of public transport system enhancement, a critical consideration for decision makers due to its profound impact on citizens' lives and government in-vestments. The primary objective is to assess the quality of public bus transport supply and identify the most effective improvements to heighten passenger satisfaction and attract new users. To accomplish this goal, two prominent multi-criteria decision-making approaches, namely the Analytical Network Process (ANP) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), were employed, leveraging a dynamic questionnaire survey. The ANP method, recognized for its robustness, takes into account the interrelationships and feedback among various criteria levels, offering a systematic evaluation framework. In contrast, the AHP method overlooks these factors. The adoption of both methods was crucial in obtaining a comprehensive under-standing of experts' perceptions regarding public transport service quality. To illustrate the practical implementation of these approaches, an empirical study was conducted using a re-al-life case. This study serves as a testament to the efficacy of these decision-making methods and underscores their value in the decision-making process. Ultimately, this paper under-scores the significance of prioritizing public transport system improvements as a means to en-rich citizens' lives and bolster government investments.

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