
Precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), waste tonnage, landfill gas (LFG), and leachate data were aggregated from public sources to perform a 5–10 year water balance and estimate the contributions of three water sources (precipitation, incoming waste, and leachate recycling) for 36 active municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Ohio, USA. Uniquely, the water balance incorporated waste decomposition, using gas collection data to inform mass loss from biodegradation. Moisture contents of 20–30% for incoming waste indicate that entrained water is the largest source of landfill moisture. Infiltration of precipitation into the landfill after ET was the second largest source. Even at facilities where a majority of the leachate generated was recirculated, it did not significantly affect the moisture content in that year. Using the water balance approach, it appears leachate recirculation is unlikely to increase moisture content above 40% by mass, a regulatory threshold in the US, which would impose stricter air pollution control requirements. However, poor stormwater management could easily allow for “bioreactor” conditions to develop. The calculated landfill moisture content was significantly affected by the assumed runoff coefficient (CRO) parameter. CRO values below 20% and above 50% produced unrealistically high or low moisture contents, respectively. This approach can assist operators and regulators in understanding the contribution of different sources to a landfill's moisture profile and avoid future operational problems.

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