
Optimal measurement settings to measure the medial olivocochlear reflex (MOCR) in humans have not yet been defined. The purpose of this study was to advance the representation of the MOCR in auditory brainstem response (ABR) as an addition to the current diagnostic portfolio. Twelve female and 14 male normal-hearing adults participated in the study. Potential effects of a contralateral acoustic stimulus (CAS) on amplitude changes were investigated by recording ABR waveform profiles on the left side at click intensities of 50/60/70 dB nHL with and without CAS (60 dB SPL). Secondly, to detect potential chronological order influences, measurement settings were rearranged on the right side and measurements were repeated. Additionally, ABR thresholds were recorded with and without a CAS in 10 patients. When the effect of contralateral suppression was analyzed on the basis of amplitude changes, there was a change under administration of the CAS signal that was statistically significant. Interestingly, the order of recordings affected the degree of amplitude change. In three out of 10 patients, reproducible suppression effects on ABR thresholds were detectable upon CAS presentation. To our knowledge, this is the largest study dealing with the recording of the MOCR elicited by a contralateral noise via ABR in normal-hearing individuals. Effects of MOCR are measurable via amplitude changes upon CAS administration. Chronological orders influence the impact of this effect on amplitude changes. Optimal measurement settings have not yet been defined. However, experiments such as this study may help to further improve measurements, and thus advance the representation of the MOC reflex in ABR as an addition to the current diagnostic portfolio.

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