
The stability of the macroeconomic environment is important for business and for overall competitiveness of a country. Firms cannot make informed decisions when inflation is out of control. The government cannot provide services efficiently if it has to make high-interest payments on its past debts. Relatedly, the efficiency and flexibility of the labour market are critical for ensuring that workers are allocated to their most efficient production in the economy. Labour markets must have the flexibility to shift workers from one economic activity to another rapidly and at low cost to allow for wage fluctuations without social disruption. The labour market must also ensure a clear relationship between worker incentives and their efforts including equity in the business environment between women and men. The paper examines the impact of macroeconomic stability and labour market efficiency on Kosovo national economic competitiveness. The study relies on competitiveness approach and empirical analysis of static and dynamic data on macroeconomic and labour market data in Kosovo.

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