
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are vital to key infrastructures such as Smart Grids and water treatment, and are increasingly vulnerable to a broad spectrum of evolving attacks. Whereas traditional security mechanisms, such as encryption and firewalls, are often inadequate for CPS architectures, the implementation of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) tailored for CPS has become an essential strategy for securing them. In this context, it is worth noting the difference between traditional offline Machine Learning (ML) techniques and understanding how they perform under different IDS applications. To answer these questions, this article presents a novel comparison of five offline and three online ML algorithms for intrusion detection using seven CPS-specific datasets, revealing that offline ML is superior when attack signatures are present without time constraints, while online techniques offer a quicker response to new attacks. The findings provide a pathway for enhancing CPS security through a balanced and effective combination of ML techniques.

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