
Mineral nitrogen (N) supply reportedly increases rice susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae causing blast disease. These biotic and abiotic factors cause changes in spectral reflectance of leaves; however, the effects of N × pathogen interactions on spectral characteristics of rice have not been studied. In this study, hyperspectral imaging was used to assess the effect of N supply on symptoms of rice leaf blast under greenhouse conditions. Three rice genotypes differing in blast susceptibility grown at low, medium, and high N supply were inoculated at the four-leaf stage with three M. oryzae isolates differing in virulence. The reflectance spectra (400 to 1000 nm) of healthy and symptomatic leaves were analyzed using the spectral angle mapper algorithm for supervised classification. Mineral N supply increased the contents of chlorophyll and total N. The number and area of lesions and total blast severity varied depending on rice genotype—M. oryzae isolate interactions and the amount of mineral N applied. The reflectance spectra of healthy tissue and of blast symptom subareas differed with N supply; rice genotypes differed in the response to N supply. Infected plants at high mineral N supply could be distinguished from those at low N supply due to higher differences in the spectra of symptom subareas. Results reveal the potential (and limitations) of hyperspectral imaging for quantifying N effects on rice leaves, disease severity, and symptom expression. The impact of these findings on plant phenotyping and remote sensing under field conditions is discussed.

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