
Government of India, in its higher education policy 2020 handbook has mentioned that despite various improvements in the status of the academic profession, faculty motivation in terms of teaching, research, and service in Heis remains far lower than the desired level. The study deals with five institutional factors of work life balance of faculty members in Hei’s with the aim to access the impact of new education policy 2020 on them. Data from 104 faculty members was collected through structured questionnaire and was evaluated on five subscales – recruitment & career progression, work environment, job autonomy, performance analysis and rewards & recognitions. The reliability of the scale was tested using cronbach alpha. To access the outcome and relationship of these factors least square method was used which indicated that these factors play a significant role in job engagement, satisfaction and motivation of faculty members which in tern effect positively on their work life balance. These factors lie behind low faculty motivation levels and must be addressed to ensure that each faculty member is happy, enthusiastic, engaged, and motivated towards advancing her/his students, institution, and profession.

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