
Critical loads of atmospheric deposition help decision-makers identify levels of air pollution harmful to ecosystem components. But when critical loads are exceeded, how can the accompanying ecological risk be quantified? We use a 90% quantile regression to model relationships between nitrogen and sulfur deposition and epiphytic macrolichens, focusing on responses of concern to managers of US forests: Species richness and abundance and diversity of functional groups with integral ecological roles. Analyses utilized national-scale lichen survey data, sensitivity ratings, and modeled deposition and climate data. We propose 20, 50, and 80% declines in these responses as cut-offs for low, moderate, and high ecological risk from deposition. Critical loads (low risk cut-off) for total species richness, sensitive species richness, forage lichen abundance and cyanolichen abundance, respectively, were 3.5, 3.1, 1.9, and 1.3 kg N and 6.0, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.3 kg S ha−1 yr−1. High environmental risk (80% decline), excluding total species richness, occurred at 14.8, 10.4, and 6.6 kg N and 14.1, 13, and 11 kg S ha−1 yr−1. These risks were further characterized in relation to geography, species of conservation concern, number of species affected, recovery timeframes, climate, and effects on interdependent biota, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem services.


  • We used 90% quantile regression to model relationships between metrics and atmospheric deposition, which provided predictive equations for determining % decline at a given deposition level. Climate is another major driver of lichen communities [31,32,33] and so modeling accounted for potential effects multiple climate variables on metrics

  • Medium to large matrix lichens had highest species counts, comprised more than half the flora, were on average more tolerant of air pollution with many tolerant species, and exhibited a wider range of sensitivity ratings compared to other groups (Figure 4; upper limit exceeded group means in analyses of means and variances tests for N in the east, p < 0.05)

  • Across US forests, sensitive species richness, forage lichen diversity and abundance and cyanolichen diversity and abundance were, on average, more sensitive to N and S deposition than total species richness. These lichen metrics were best predicted by total N or S deposition plus climate, with deposition contributing to the greater predictive power, as demonstrated by ∆Akaike information criterion (AIC)

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Air Pollution As A Concern of Natural Resource Managers. Sustaining the diversity, health, and productivity of natural resources and into the future are common mission elements of regulatory, land management, and other governmental agencies. Because air pollution impacts biological diversity, ecosystem health, and associated ecosystem services, such as clean water, food, and fiber [3,4,5,6], it can impede the accomplishment of mission-related goals for managing land and protecting the environment. Tools that can help assess the risk of environmental harm from air pollution are of direct interest to managers, regulators and policy-makers. We focus on a subset of air pollutants of particular consequence to environmental health: Sulfur (S)- and nitrogen (N)-containing eutrophying and acidifying pollutants

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