
Abstract In the frame of the EU - based GeoCapacity project 1 , the capacity for CO 2 geological storage is being estimated for 23 countries of Europe. This project supplements the FP5 GESTCO project covering the whole area of E urope and the countries under study have been classified in three (3) groups for easy of work. The Central - East group of countries comprises Greece (update of GESTCO estimates), Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The paper give s an overview o f the work and results of which - since January 2006 - has been focussing on mapping large CO 2 point sources, infrastructure and potential for geological storage in this group of European countries. From up today results it is evident that the annual emis sions, the type of sinks, suitable for CO 2 storage, and the estimated potential varies largely between the countries of the group. The annual CO 2 emissions from large point sources (> 0. 1 Mt) were recorded and in decreasing order are as follows per co untry: Romania 80 Mt, Greece 69 Mt, Bulgaria 52 Mt, Hungary 26 Mt, FYROM 4 Mt, Albania 0,3 Mt. The type of suitable sinks for CO 2 storage and the estimated potential varies significantly. The largest potential has been estimated in saline and fresh aquifer s followed by hydrocarbon reservoirs and for some countries in coal seams. The storage capacity has been estimated by using the standard methodology developed for the project. The highest capacity occurs in Hungary in onshore aquifers and hydrocarbon and coal fields where the quality of storage is poor. Bulgaria has a high potential in aquifers, low in hydrocarbon fields and very low in coal seams. The same is true for Greece. Romania has a very high storage potential in aquifers and high in hydrocarbon fi elds (both offshore and onshore). FYROM has a high capacity of CO 2 storage in one aquifer which can host the emissions (low in quantity) for many decades (under the present rate). Finally Albania presents a low potential in hydrocarbon fields and aquifers but a big one in the salt domes. Given the very low quantity of Albania’s annual CO 2 emissions, this limited potential can accommodate the present emissions for many decades. For each of the six countries of the group, 1 -2 case studie s are under compilation and they will be studied under some scenarios of source - sink matching, using the Decision Support System (D.S.S.) developed for the project.

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