
This study introduces an approach for analysis of network centrality, with a focus on betweenness centrality in complex urban transport systems. Central to this research is the development of a Path Evaluation Function (PEF), a tool that enriches traditional centrality assessments for transport networks by factoring in critical network attributes like link capacity and travel time. This approach is particularly adept at unraveling the intricacies of betweenness centrality in multimodal transportation networks. Using this approach, the study delves into the dynamics of betweenness centrality within the Delhi Metropolitan transport network, an evolving urban landscape characterized by diverse transit modes. The analysis reveals a marked concentration of high betweenness centrality along key transport corridors, highlighting their role in facilitating urban mobility. This refined understanding of betweenness centrality, obtained through the PEF, offers deeper insights into how crucial nodes and links function within the network, thereby enabling more informed decision-making in urban planning and policy. Furthermore, the versatility of the PEF extends beyond betweenness centrality, showing promise as a tool for evaluating other centrality measures within varied network contexts.

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