
The impact of duck hunting in Victoria was assessed by comparing the take of game species and the of protected species with initial numbers of birds on large samples of wetlands. Numbers of birds were also measured on these wetlands after the opening weekend and at the end of the season. Estimates of annual production were made by examining samples of bagged ducks. This approach avoids the need to estimate total take or total population. Estimates of total population are expensive and impractical in many parts of the world. The kill of protected species had little impact on numbers of any species except Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa. The take of game ducks exceeded annual production until 1990, when hunter numbers halved after introduction of a compulsory video test of their ability to identify water birds. Various other management options have been introduced or considered as part of a general review.


  • The impact o fduck hunting in Victoria was assessed by comparing the take o fgame species and the kill o fprotected species with initial numbers o fbirds on large samples o fwetlands

  • In 1986, the Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment commissioned a review of all aspects of duck hunting manage­ ment (Loyn 1989), e.g. season, bag limits, lead shot, licensing and hunter education

  • The count is done by contract to the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU) and involves observers from the RAOU, Victorian Field and Game Association (VFGA) and the Department of Conservation and Environment (DCE) (Martindale 1988, Hewish 1988, Peter 1989, 1990)

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The impact o fduck hunting in Victoria was assessed by comparing the take o fgame species and the kill o fprotected species with initial numbers o fbirds on large samples o fwetlands. Estimates o f annual production were made by examining samples o f bagged ducks. Duck hunting is a popular and traditional activ­ ity in Victoria It is opposed by animal welfare groups who focus on the killing of protected species. The ten week duck season in Victoria runs from March to May (autumn), and eight native duck species can be shot legally. Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides, Pacific Black D uck A nas su p e rcilio sa , G rey T eal A. gibberifrons, Chestnut Teal A. castanea, Aus­ tralasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis, Pink-eared Duck M elacorhynchus membranaceus, Hardhead or White-eye Aythya australis and Maned Goose or Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata

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