
The study was conducted to assess Risk Control activities of external audit on the financial performance in diocesan secondary school in Moshi, Tanzania. This study was guided by Stewardship Theory. and employed a quantitative approach and cross sectional survey design. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.Target population was 256 and the sample size was 156.Tables were used to present the study findings. The findings of this study revealed that although training and seminars are given to those Senior Management Teams (SMTs); to the schools on matters related to financial risk control activities ,little has been done to employ other strategies like dividing the schools in clusters and have specific time table to allow them to meet and share their ideas and knowledge. Subsequently, the findings revealed that most of the schools do not have current accounting software’s to the accounts deportments. In addition, the findings revealed that most of the secondary schools in the diocese have no reliable internets systems. The findings however, revealed that secondary schools in the diocese face a number of challenges in preparing financial statements. The study concludes that raising awareness on finance knowledge to other departments other than Accounts department is of paramount important in these diocesan secondary schools. So as to minimizes financial risks which might occur in the future. The study therefore recommends to have clusters meeting for short term training on matters related to risks control activities so as to end up with financial performance.

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