
Background: The Investigator conducted a study to Assess the Effectiveness of Breast Crawl Technique onselected, Maternal and neonatal Outcomes Among Mothers Admitted in Labour Ward at selected hospitalsof Kheda-anand District Gujarat.was carried out by researcher. The objectives of the study were: (1) Toassess the effectiveness of breast crawl technique on maternal and neonatal outcome among experimentalgroup and control group. (2) To find out the association between maternal and neonatal outcomes andselected demographic variables in experimental group. Research Design: A quasi experimental researchapproach was used with non- equivalent control group post test only design. The researcher used nonprobabilitypurposive sampling technique for selecting the 40 samples. Tools :Latch scale was used toassess the initiation of breast feeding, Visual analogue pain scale was used to assess the intensity of pain,and APGAR score was used for newborn assessment. Validity was assessed by 7 experts. Reliability of latchscale, Visual analogue pain scale and APGAR Score was ascertained by using Karl Pearson’s co-relationcoefficient formula. Data Analysis & Results: The data will be analyzed by descriptive statistics such asMean, Standard deviation, Frequency, Percentage. The mean score of effectiveness of breast crawl techniqueon initiation of breast feeding, intensity of pain, newborn assessment was higher in experimental group thanthe control group. So it was revealed that there was significant difference between experimental group andcontrol group. For comparison of effectiveness of breast crawl technique on initiation of breast feeding,intensity of pain, newborn assessment in that mean score was higher and calculated “t” test value is 4.83which is greater than tabulated value 2.09. So, that the research hypothesis is accepted and proved that therewill be significant association between initiation of breast feeding, intensity of pain, newborn assessmentbetween the experimental group and control group. The finding of the study also revealed that there wassignificant association between the initiation of breast feeding, intensity of pain, newborn assessment withselected demographic variables.

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