
Background: Pregnancy and child birth is one of the greatest event in the life of a woman which sheaspires and longs for with great expectation. She has fantasies about pregnancy and motherhood but whenconfronted with reality, many of them doubt their ability to cope with this great event.A woman generally has notion that child birth is unbearable pain. This is formed as a result of the tales heardduring adolescence or later in life. Child birth is a natural and universal phenomenon. Yet the knowledgeof it among average women is haphazard, incomplete or distorted. So, researcher felt the need to assess theawareness and perception regarding birthing process among pregnant women.Methods: Descriptive cross sectional research design was used with evaluative approach. Setting of thestudy was in tribal areas of Bhandardara. Samples were all pregnant women those who were available duringstudy period. Sample size computed was total 100. Non probability convenient sampling technique wasused for the study. Data was collected with help of dichotomous questionnaire on awareness and throughinterview their perception was assessed regarding birthing process.Results: Percentage wise distribution of pregnant women according to their weeks of pregnancy in whichmajority (48%) were in 13-28 weeks of gestation, (36%) of pregnant women were grand multigravida.Majority (43%) of sample were of the age group of 19-21 years. The highest percentage (44%) of respondentshad secondary education. Majority (37%) of samples were farming .The highest percentage (57%) of samplebelonged to Hindu religion .The highest percentage (71%) of sample belonged to joint family The highestpercentage (44%) of sample had a family income of 3001-5,000 rupees .Area wise Distribution of mean ,SDand mean percentage of awareness score regarding birthing process shows that overall mean knowledgescore was (21.41± 9.25) which is 42.82% of max score indicate that pregnant women had poor level ofawareness regarding birthing process. Pregnant women perceived that when there is an eclipse of the sun orsolar, birthing process is very difficult to manage.Conclusion: Findings of the present study concluded that the pregnant women had average knowledgeregarding child birthing process. In this regard health personnel’s play a very important role as they have toeducate the women about birthing process and have a healthier pregnancy.

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