
We investigate the abundance and colonization of black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae on a meso scale at three different seasonal for identical breeding site in Ayyan odai stream. A total of 198 larvae of two differents subgenus Gomphostilbia and Simulium were collected and alike of the sampling site revealed species richness and diversity peaks in Pre-monsoon. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated that physical parameters of conductivity influence the colonization of black fly larvae. Altitude and temperature do not influence the larval distribution of blackfly. Blackfly larvae highly associated with leaf litter substratum than the other stream substratum. Adult black flies (Simuliidae: Diptera) are widely distributed blood-sucking insects and some species carry the filarial nematode of onchocerciasis. The immature of blackfly is restricted to rivers and streams, due to their filter feeding habit. In India, black fly larvae ecology is limited. Therefore, we examined the diversity and abundance of black fly larvae in identical streams of Ayyan odai, Karanthamalai, Southern Eastern Ghats in South India. Result of this study explained that environmental variables including latitude, longitude, conductivity and elevation for the diversity and abundance of black fly larvae in Ayyan odai stream.

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