
Abstract : The Ames test is a widely accepted, accurate method of testing for mutagenic potential. We thus hypothesized that the Ames test may provide an assay for assessing the mutagenic effects of extra low frequency (ELF) radiation (a subset of EMFs) on certain strains of Salmonella typhimurium. The strain of S-typhimurium used in the Ames test has a mutation on one gene of the histidine operon which prevents it from growing and replicating without the presence of histidine in the media. When the bacterium is exposed to a mutagen, the defective his gene mutates back to its wildtype state and the bacterium can grow without supplemental histidine. According to Ames tests performed at 1077 volt/meter/AC/E power, 4.6 Gauss AC/B strength, and 3.63 and 5.2 kilo Gauss DC/B power, EMFs appear to have no mutagenic effects on these prokaryotic cells. While it is impossible to test every strength level for all fields and permutations thereof, our tests show that these field strengths failed to demonstrate a mutagenic effect via the Ames test.

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