
The purpose of this test was to evaluate the physicochemical (ammoniacal nitrate, nitrogen nitrate, nitrogen nitrite, pH, orthophosphate and turbidity) and microbiological parameters (Escherichia coli and total coliforms) of mineral water samples bottled trademarks and compare the results obtained with Brasilian Ministery of Healty Ordinance 2.914/11. For this purpose, it was used trademarks mineral water bottled sold in pet 300 and 500 ml bottles. For microbiological analysis it was used Colipaper (Alfakit®), and all of them the analysis of physicochemical parameters was used Ecokit II (Alfakit®). From the five mineral water bottled samples, all were within the physicochemical parameters determined by Ordinance 2.914/11. In the microbiological findings, only one sample presented Escherichia coli. Therefore, all the analyzed brands meet the required physicochemical parameters of water quality for human consumption, except brand A, which did not meet the microbiological parameters. The results demonstrates the need for confirmatory tests performed by laboratories qualified to attest the result obtained, as well as the need to implement more effective monitoring by the responsible agency for monitoring the water quality for human consumption.

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