
Three simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods (A-C) for the assay of dexmedetomidine in pure and dosage forms based on the formation of chloroform soluble ion- associates under specified experimental conditions are described. Three acidic dyes, namely Wool Fast Blue BL (WFB BL, method A), Tropaeolin ooo (Tpooo, method B), Naphthol Blue 12BR (NB 12BR, method C) were utilized. The extracts of the ion-associates exhibit absorption maxima at 580 nm, 480 nm, and 590 nm for methods A, B and C respectively. Beer's law and the precision and accuracy of the methods are checked by the UV reference method. The results are reproducible with an accuracy of ±1.0%. The methods are found to be suitable for the determination of dexmedetomidine in the presence of the other ingredients that are usually present in dosage forms.

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