
Objective The goal of this health economic analysis was to asses the cost-effectiveness of a fixed combination of aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole (ASA/ER-DP) or clopidogrel compared with ASA monotherapy for prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke. Background The second European Stroke Prevention Study (ASA/ESPS-2), a largescale clinical trial, demonstrated that a new therapy — a fixed combination of ASA/ER-DPs more effective than ASA monotherapy for the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke. Methods We used data from ESPS-2 to create a health economic model that estimates the incremental cost and cost-effectiveness of ASA/ER-DP during the 2-year time frame after an ischemic stroke. The model was developed from a payor perspective. The analysis used direct cost estimates for stroke from a Medicare claims database analysis. Efficacy data were obtained from clinical trials to determine the incremental cost per stroke averted for ASA/ER-DP or clopidogrel versus ASA. Sensitivity analyses also were conducted to test the reliability and robustness of the model. Results The results of the analysis demonstrated that ASA/ER-DP was cost-effective compared with ASA monotherapy for the secondary prevention of stroke, with a cost-effectiveness ratio of $28,472. The model remained robust over a range of assumptions and cost estimates. Clopidogrel, however, was not cost-effective compared with ASA (cost per stroke averted, $161,316) in either the basecase analysis or any of the sensitivity analyses. Conclusion ASA/ER-DP thus offers a cost-effective alternative to ASA monotherapy for the prevention of recurrent ischemic stroke.

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