
We have reviewed some of the voluminous literature on the effects of aspirin combined with dipyridamole on coronary thrombosis. There is clear evidence that aspirin is partially effective in preventing platelet aggregation and subsequent thrombosis in experimental constricted and damaged coronary arteries of dogs. Clinical studies show a clear reduction in myocardial infarction in male human subjects who are given aspirin as therapy for unstable angina, or as prophylaxis in asymptomatic individuals. In many studies aspirin and dipyridamole have been combined and are effective. We have not found dipyridamole to be effective in the dog with coronary artery constriction and find no substantial evidence that it is effective in preventing myocardial infarction in man. Until definitive studies show that combining dipyridamole with aspirin is more effective than aspirin alone, we do not recommend its use for prevention of coronary thrombosis.

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