
The problem in this study is that Buntalo Village is a village located in Lolak sub-district, where most of the people are in low economic conditions, although there are also people who have good economic conditions. Buntalo village people who have a mediocre income or family economy are farmers who work in the fields where their income depends on the availability of jobs from the owners of the fields. With mediocre economic income, it also has an impact on children's education, where the education of children in Buntalo village is not at a good level of education, where the education level in Buntalo village is only up to elementary and junior high school levels. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. The level of income is one measure to see the level of community welfare. Especially for lowland rice farmers with narrow lands, whose access to land owned is very limited. However, it does not mean that they belong to the poor group because they have other accesses (education, labor) and can be utilized.


  • Abstrak (Indonesia) Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu, Desa Buntalo merupakan desa yang terletak di kecamatan Lolak, dimana masyarakat sebagian besar berada pada kondisi ekonomi yang rendah, meski juga ada masyarakat yang memiliki kondisi ekonomi yang baik

  • Abstract (English) The problem in this study is that Buntalo Village is a village located in Lolak sub-district, where most of the people are in low economic conditions, there are people who have good economic conditions

  • Buntalo village people who have a mediocre income or family economy are farmers who work in the fields where their income depends on the availability of jobs from the owners of the fields

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Abstract (English) The problem in this study is that Buntalo Village is a village located in Lolak sub-district, where most of the people are in low economic conditions, there are people who have good economic conditions. Abstrak (Indonesia) Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu, Desa Buntalo merupakan desa yang terletak di kecamatan Lolak, dimana masyarakat sebagian besar berada pada kondisi ekonomi yang rendah, meski juga ada masyarakat yang memiliki kondisi ekonomi yang baik. Desa buntalo merupakan desa yang terletak di kecamatan Lolak, dimana masyarakat sebagian besar berada pada kondisi ekonomi yang rendah, meski juga ada masyarakat yang memiliki kondisi ekonomi yang baik. Masyarakat desa buntalo yang memiliki penghasilan atau perekonomian keluarga yang pas-pasan merupakan petani penggarap sawah dimana penghasilan mereka bergantung pada ketersediaan pekerjaan dari para pemilik sawah, sehingga pekerjaan sebagai penggarap sawah merupakan pekerjaan yang jangka pendek karna bergantung pada musim menanam padi, di samping itu mereka melakukan pekerjaan lain untuk menyambung kehidupan mereka, seperti menanam jagung dan juga ada beberapa dari keluarga penggarap dan pekerjaan lainnya yang dapat menunjang kebutuhan mereka sehari-hari. Even though it is not easy to get a job, especially in the city of Padang there are still some jobs that open vacancies that are suitable for students, for example as shopkeepers, parking attendants, cafe waiters, etc Dimana keadaan ekonomi pada dasarnya memang akan berpengarih kepada kemampuan orang tua dalam menyekolahkan anaknya, namun seorang anak juga bisa membantu dengan cara kuliah sambil bekerja. (Romi Mesra dkk, 2021)

Metode Penelitian
Hasil Penelitian dan Analisis Data
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