
Aspects of collaboration and relationships between peer support workers and service users in mental health and substance abuse services – A qualitative study.Studies have shown that service users report their encounter with peer supporters as positive. However, little is known about service users’ experiences with developing a relationship, working together and collaborate, with peer supporter workers. The aim of this study was therefore, to explore and describe service users’ experiences with peer support relationships, support and collaboration. Twenty-six service users with mental health problems and/or substance abuse voluntarily participated in the study. Data was collected through five focus groups interviews in different areas in Norway. The data was analyzed using a hermeneutic content analysis and resulted in three master themes. Overall, these findings reveal that service users deem their relationship and collaboration with peer supporter workers as positive. Furthermore, these findings offers a critical evaluation of peer support, by highlighting challenges related to peer support relationships and collaboration.


  • Keyword/Nøkkelord peer support; peer support workers; peer support relationships; mental health; substance abuse; collaboration erfaringsstøtte; erfaringsmedarbeider; relasjonell erfaringsdeling; psykisk helse; rusbruk; samarbeid

  • Forfatterne viser at erfaringsmedarbeidere bidrar med bevisstgjøring når det gjelder stigma, maktforhold og språk i tjenestene og tydeliggjør erfaringskunnskapens potensiale

  • Veilederen anbefaler at tjenestene er proaktive: «Tjenesteapparatet bør informere og oppmuntre brukerne til å ta kontakt med brukerorganisasjonene, brukerstyrte sentre, selvhjelpsgrupper eller andre frivillige organisasjoner, og eventuelt bidra til å opprette kontakten»

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Keyword/Nøkkelord peer support; peer support workers; peer support relationships; mental health; substance abuse; collaboration erfaringsstøtte; erfaringsmedarbeider; relasjonell erfaringsdeling; psykisk helse; rusbruk; samarbeid. Dernest hvilke opplevelser brukerne har av forskjeller i det å samarbeide med erfaringsmedarbeidere og fagpersoner. Informantene beskriver at det som virkelig hjalp var samarbeidet med erfaringsmedarbeidere. Erfaringsmedarbeidere hadde større innsikt og kompetanse i forhold til hva som var sentralt (Douglas et al, 2012).

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