
This study is to analyze aspects of sharia in Islamic insurance. Theories related to this study include about Ijara, Ijara financing, DSN-MUI fatwa, Ijara financing application. This study is qualitative descriptive. Data collection methods used in this research is the study of literature. The results showed that Takaful insurance aspect is clear then can be applied in the system of Islamic insurance. Takaful is a system where the participants / members / participants donate or donate part or all of the contribution that will be used to pay claims, in case of disaster experienced by most participants/members/participants. The role of the company here is limited to the operational management of insurance companies and investment funds / contributions received or transferred to the company.Keywords: Aspects of Sharia in the Takaful and Insurance Non-Sharia


  • Pendahuluan Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, kini telah berkembang dengan pesat lembaga keuangan syariah, yang diantaranya adalah Asuransi Syariah

  • The results showed that Takaful insurance aspect is clear then can be applied in the system of Islamic insurance

  • Hadist No 80, Hal. 417 Dalam Buku Muhammad Syakir Sula, Asuransi Syariah (Life Ang General) Konsep Dan System Operasional, AM

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Surah al-Baqarah ayat 261

ِ‫َيصَ ُم انَّ ِرٌ ٍَ ٌُ ُْ ِفقُٕ ٌَ أَ ْي َٕانَ ُٓ ْى فًِ َظثٍِ ِم َّل َّلا‬ ‫َك ًَصَ ِم َحثَّ ٍح أَ َْثَرَ ْد َظ ْث َع َظَُاتِ َم فًِ ُك ِّم ُظ ُْثُهَ ٍح ِيائَحُ َحثَّ ٍح‬. Artinya: “ perumpamaan (nafkah yang dikeluarkan oleh) orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya dijalan Allah adalah serupa dengan sebutir benih yang menumbuhkan tujuh butir benih, pada tiap-tiap bulir: seratus biji. Allah melipatgandakan (ganjaran) bagi siapa yang dia kehendaki. Dan Allah maha luas (karunia-nya) lagi maha mengetahui. Dan Allah maha luas (karunia-nya) lagi maha mengetahui. (Q.S, al-Baqarah 2:261)

Surah Yusuf ayat 46-49
Surah luqman ayat 34
Surah al-Hijr ayat 20
Sumber Hukum
10 Kepemilika Dana yang Dana yang
11 Keuntungan keuntungan yang Profit yang
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