
AbstractObservations were made on the reproductive biology of Physalaemus cuvieri from open area habitat in São Luis, MA, Brazil, from August 1988 to August 1989. The reproductive tactics are compared to those of the same species in southeastern Brazil. Vocalization and reproductive activity were restricted the rainy season (January to June), with peaks of activity during late March and early April. Nocturnal calling activity turn was prolonged, with little variation in the number of individual calling during the night. The presence of communal foam nests suggests non-territorial behaviour in this species. However, males called from the same sites all night long. They showed differentiated vocalizations or antiphony, and aggressive physical interactions, which suggests that there may be some territorial behaviours in males. The remainder of the territorial behaviour is related to persistence of the invading male. Satellite behaviour, females mate choice, and a stereotyped behaviour (e.g. quick circular movement of both male and female) prior to amplexus, were also associated with territoriality.

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