
During my stay in Kiev in May 1999 the political elite was shaken by the news that Patriarch Filaret (Denisenko), leader of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP), had been assaulted when visiting Maryupil' in the Donets'k region on 30 April. The arrival of this patriarch, who had been anathematised by the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), had been met with many well-organised protests mounted by clergy and laypeople of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP). These protests had ended up in a brawl on a plot of land which Filaret had come to consecrate for the building of a new church. The few security guards present were unable to shield the head of the UOC-KP from physical contact with the noisy Maryupil' protesters, who first emptied a bucket of 'holy' water over his head and then started to beat him over the head with it. In the process they tore off his klobuk and panagiya and broke his crozier. This event evinced such a strong reaction because it rekindled memories of the fears many had expressed several years ago that a religious war might erupt in Ukraine. The religious situation in Ukraine is radically different from that in Russia. The main difference is that in Ukraine there is no single confession with a monopoly on the spiritual nurture of an historically Orthodox population. There are three 'pure' Orthodox churches rivalling for the souls of Ukrainians: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) which according to figures dated I January 1999 has 7911 parishes, 6568 priests and 105 monasteries'; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate (UOC-KP) which has 2178 parishes, 1743 priests and 17 monasteries; and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) which has 1022 parishes, 543 priests and 2 monasteries. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), also known as the Uniate Church, has 3198 parishes, 2161 priests and 73 monasteries. This church submits to the authority of the Vatican, but has preserved the Orthodox Byzantine rite. The Roman Catholic Church has also retained a presence in Ukraine, which has increased significantly in recent years, with 751 parishes, 401 priests and 33 monasteries. Protestantism has become widespread in Ukraine, with 4870 registered communities: this denomination has also recently become a political force. The complex religious situation in Ukraine means that Kiev is unable to control

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