
Summary Hockey, P. A. R. 1983. Aspects of the breeding biology of the African Black Oystercatcher. Ostrich 54:26-35. Fifty-five pairs of African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini bred at Marcus Island in 1979–1980. Sixteen pairs laid replacement clutches: the mean interval between loss of the fist clutch and laying of a replacement clutch was 22,2 days. Mean inter-nest distance was 19,4 m. The modal clutch size was 2, with a mean of 1.74. Mean dimensions of 105 eggs were 60,7 × 40,l mm and mean fresh egg mass was 55,s g. There were differences in egg mass and dimensions between eggs in one- and two-egg clutches. Rate of egg loss was high, due mainly to depredation by Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus promoted by human disturbance. Fledging success was lower at a disturbed site than at undisturbed sites, with highest chick mortality occurring in the first week of life. Mortality of first-year birds of eight days and older was estimated at 48% and 69% in two successive seasons. All juvenile birds dispersed...

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