
This is an exhaustive narrative review on nutritional importance regarding periodontium health. Macronutrients have a significant impact on oral health. Highly refined carbohydrate intake has been linked to dental cavities and periodontal diseases. In contrast, complex carbohydrates in whole grains and vegetables promote periodontal health. Proteins are essential for host defences and the synthesis of connective tissues, making them crucial for periodontal well-being. Vegetable proteins positively affect periodontal health. Dietary fats promote inflammation and increase the risk of periodontal disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties and minimizing periodontal inflammation. Vitamins and minerals are essential in maintaining periodontal health. Vitamins A, D, and K are necessary for oral epithelial integrity, bone growth, and tissue maintenance. Ca2+ and Mg2+ deficiencies have been associated with severe periodontal diseases. Antioxidants like vitamin C can mitigate periodontal inflammation. Most dental practitioners acknowledge that a person’s nutritional status attenuates periodontal disorders. The severity of inflammation in the gums is indirectly impacted by the inherent resistance of the periodontal tissues to infection at a systemic level. Dental professionals should address local irritants through different procedures, promote daily plaque control at home, and offer nutritional counselling on improving overall periodontal health.

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