
The scientific article considers issues of ensuring international information security, the component of which is the information security of the Russian Federation. High-tech methods and characteristics of the criminal space for committing crimes in the field of computer information determine their effectiveness. At the same time, there is no common position of states in the issues of countering cybercrime, which is predetermined, among other things, by the different level of penetration of information technologies. Despite the efforts of the Russian Federation to formulate rules for networking, including the inadmissibility of violating the information (network) sovereignty of states and other proposals put on the agenda of working groups at the UN, they do not find support from individual groups of countries. The absence of universally recognized borders in the network space, as well as procedures for interaction between law enforcement agencies in order to counteract cybercrime, forms a potentially conf licting information environment with a relatively low level of security. Identifying, suppressing and investigating cybercrime is, in most cases, complicated by the transboundary nature of the acts committed, which involves coordinating the efforts of law enforcement agencies of different states.Currently Russia is implementing a set of measures aimed at the regulatory regulation of the use of procedural documents in electronic form in order to accelerate the interaction of participants in criminal proceedings and reduce the terms of criminal proceedings: material evidence in criminal cases is electronic media containing electronic documents; separate elements of electronic document management are introduced. However, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the information sphere, as well as the practice of its application, needs further improvement.A special place among the subjects of counteracting the dissemination of information on the Internet, the circulation of which is limited in the territory of the Russian Federation, is assigned to the bodies of the Procurator’s Office of the Russian Federation, which not only oversees the implementation of laws throughout Russia, but also directly eliminates the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of cybercrime.

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